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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bello Mag 32 | Josh Bowman

BELLO #32, the mag's first issue of 2012, features Josh Bowman (ABC's Revenge) on its (double) cover. Under the covers there's an extensive interview which includes a Q&A between Josh and Bello readers. The full cast of Revenge rounds out the Entertainment section of the magazine with a photography session by Tyler Shields and a Talent Watch feature with Connor Paolo.
Bello is the first to publish a fashion editorial with David Beckham for H&M Bodywear, starring Eric B. (Nous Models). Check it out in their Body, Mind & Fashion section.
Look to Bello's Sport section for an interview with Olympic prospect Jack Green, the Beauty section for some winter hair styles and an exclusive interview with celebrity hair and makeup stylist Mathias Allan, and the Destination section for the mag's new travel section which takes you to Santorini and Mykonos, Greece.

Bello #32 is available now. Pick it up at BelloMag.com or at the iTunes Newsstand.


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